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5 Ways Energy Healing Helps with Autism

Writer's picture: Elissa MiskeyElissa Miskey

The field of energy healing is expansive and rapidly growing with hundreds of options to choose from. While some forms of energy healing have potential to create tremendous gains, others may be less effective in getting the results you are looking for. The training, experience, and skill of professional healers varries greatly from beginners to masters. If you have a complex developmental condition you are trying to support, seek a practitioner with the highest level of training and experience who has a better chance to understand from the highest perspective what could help the most with your goals for healing.

Here are five ways that energy healing can help reduce symptoms of autism and other complex conditions.

1)        Balance, cleanse, and center the energy field to reduce stress for the nervous system

Several different healing modalities include some type of balancing that will center the auric field around the body. The aura often gets knocked off balance and this causes stress to the nervous system and affects motor coordination. The chakras can be balanced, cleared, cleansed, and aligned to greatly lighten the load an already overworked nervous system has to carry. Energy in the chakras influences all aspects of the body's physiological processes. Cleansing blocked energy in the crown and root chakras particularly helps the nervous system to function more smoothly with greater ease. This is not a one time fix with complex conditions, but something that can be done on a regular basis to keep things flowing.

2)        Heal the solar plexus chakra to help the digestive system to heal and work better

Healing the digestive system including inflammation in the gut is foundational to reducing autistic symptoms and many other conditions. The amount of energy the solar plexus chakra has, and how clear or blocked this chakra is has a major effect on how the digestive system functions. While nutritional healing is still essential, healing the solar plexus can give a tremendous boost to healing any condition affecting the digestion system, including encopresis and leaky gut.

3)       Apply energy healing to the heart and brain to help with speech, language processing, visual processing, auditory processing, or sensory integration

Specific parts of the brain can be targeted to make any of these processes easier for the body. Healing can be focused on the cranial nerves to help with visual and auditory processing. Reducing visual and auditory processing stress can open up speech and language processing. The brainstem can be balanced to help with sensory integration. Modalities based on energetic kinesiology can track down the cause of imbalances within the brain and nervous system, whether they are nutritional, biochemical, physical, energetic, electromagnetic, emotional, or spiritual imbalances. All of these can be healed. Ultimately it is the heart that gives instructions to the brain and nervous system, so a good energy healing session usually includes something to help the heart come into deeper harmony.

4) Get Information: physical, nutritional, energetic, emotional and spiritual causes of stress and challenges can be tracked down and balanced

With autism and other complex conditions, there are always days when we, as parents want to know what the heck is going on???! There might be new behaviour challenges, your child stops eating, doesn't go to the toilet, gets frustrated, emotional, or experiences pain and can't tell you what is wrong. This is where some professional energy healers can help give some guidance and direction. Either by using muscle monitoring biofeedback, or by using clairvoyance or other spiritual gifts, a healer can read messages and signals in the physical body and energy body that give us many clues to what is happening. This can give valuable insights, save precious time, and perserve sanity as we begin focusing our resources on what our kids really need to feel better again.

5) Soul retrieval or spiritual embodiment can help people connect better with their physical body (this can reduce many physical and emotional symptoms)

Kids with autism tend to disconnect from physical reality at times, including their physical bodies. This can be a spiritual strength in certain situations. However, most humans experience soul loss at times in their lives, where stress causes a part of our soul essence to leave our physical body. In this case, an empty hole is left in our energy field and we no longer identify with a part of our true self. This causes a feeling of emptiness, loss of power, vulerability in absorbing others energies, and a deeper disconnection from our physical body. Soul retrieval is historically a shamanic practice of journeying to find the missing soul parts, bring them back, and re-integrate them with the body. Many modern forms of energy healing include techniques for spiritual embodiment that mirror the soul retrieval process. The person's spiritual essence is directed to come back into the chakras. My experience is that this type of healing is essential, necessary, powerful, and instrumental in creating lasting change to any major condition.

Energy healing is a journey, not a destination.

There are hundreds of other ways energy healing can help autistic people lead healthy, peaceful, and balanced lives. It is an art form and lifelong learning process. We can all benefit from learning more about the healing arts, and empower ourselves to create positive changes. If you would like to book an energy healing session with Elissa, please reach out by email:



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