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Clairvoyant Assessments

Providing guidance and direction for your healing path


$130 CAD  55 minutes

Nutritional & Biochemical


This assessment looks in depth at:
  • vitamins and natural supplements that can heal, balance, and repair the functioning of the nervous system of the individual
  • inflammation of the gut and brain
  • mitochondria function
  • heavy metals and parasites
  • candida and biofilm
  • chemical toxicity
  • suppressed bacteria and viruses
A report is provided with all the details found, options for healing and other recommendations

Speech Development


For anyone struggling with speech and language challenges, including non-verbal communicators. This assessment looks at brain regions involved in speech, emotions in the energy field, and blockages in the chakras that contribute to speech challenges

This assessment looks in depth at:

  • brain regions involved in speech

  • motor coordination of muscles for speech

  • biochemical factors influencing speech

  • auditory processing

  • emotions regarding speech

  • blockages in the chakras connected to speech


A report is given with recommendations and likely potential gains in speech development with healing work

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Challenging Behaviours


  • Toileting challenges 

  • Aggression

  • Screaming, tantrums & meltdowns

  • Pathological demand avoidance

  • Obsessive compulsive behaviours


This assessment looks in depth at physical, biochemical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual causes of any challenging behaviours

Brain & Nervous System


This assessment takes an in-depth look at how different parts of the brain and nervous system are working together, blocks and challenges within the nervous system, what is causing stress, and what will be most effective at harmonizing the nervous system.

It includes a scan of the cranial nerves, brainstem, limbic brain, thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, pineal gland, all regions of the cortex, cranial nerves, different types of neurons, myelination, major brain pathways, nutrient assimilation in the brain, and much more. A report of findings and recommendations will be provided.

Gifts & Strengths


Everyone has gifts and strengths; children with special needs often have important gifts and strengths that may be unnoticed or misunderstood. This assessment looks at different strengths including creativity, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential intelligence. It also looks at spiritual abilities including claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telepathy, intuition, oneness, healing abilities, out of body memories and experiences, and any others that come up. Suggestions are made for how these gifts and strengths can nurture the person's growth, happiness, wellness, and development.

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Healing Plan

Elissa uses her clairvoyance to find the most effective healing plan for your family or child. Healing plans can be anywhere from 1 week to 6 months long, and provide specific details for up to 3 different healing goals. Any natural healing method, supplement, energy healing modality, technique, bodywork, martial art, music, meditation, food, exercise, activity, or ceremony that will best support your healing goals will be found with details provided to give you the best chance to meet your healing goals. You can also ask questions to gain deeper clarity about things you'd like to try.

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